One-on-One & Team Coaching
I take every individual and team as creative, resourceful and whole. YOU are the experts on yourself –your dreams, goals, frustrations, and all the rest.
A one-on-one coaching engagement allows you to focus on whatever issues are present, such as time management, business challenges, self-confidence, or relationships. Coaching is different from consulting in that I do not give answers. Rather, I use powerful questions and my expertise, experience, creativity, and intuition to champion you to get “unstuck” so you can discover your own best solutions.
The outcomes of coaching most often reported by my clients are greater self-awareness, increased confidence and productivity, a stronger sense of purpose and direction, enhanced communication skills, a greater level of well-being, and better relationships.
A Team Coaching engagement is designed to shift the culture of the Team to:
• Increase trust, alignment, and engagement to facilitate the creation of shared ownership.
• Increase positivity and resilience as the Team navigates their various business challenges.
• Create new norms and routines to work together in a more productive manner.
View my testimonials to see what people are saying, and contact me here to discuss a customized program.
Leadership 360 Assessment & Development
I am passionate about helping you and other leaders in your organization maximize effectiveness and business results. As the world increases in complexity, so must the consciousness of its thought leaders. An outstanding leader, no matter what level, can dramatically increase organizational impact by turning inward in an effort to evolve in leadership consciousness and practice.
I offer several Leadership Packages that include individual and/or group coaching sessions combined with 360 assessments and leadership development plans and workshops that enable self-discovery and transformational change.
I am a certified practitioner of the Leadership Circle Profile 360 Assessment, a unique leadership model and tool that connects a well-researched battery of competencies with underlying thought patterns and motivations. This approach leads to a specific development plan that will enable you to build on your areas of strength and replace your reactive tendencies with more creative capabilities, thereby enabling you to inspire your team to do their best. I am also a certified practitioner of the Collective Leadership Assessment, which illuminates areas of development for the entire leadership team.
I coach small groups of executives in debriefing results of the Global Executive Leadership Inventory (GELI) and the Global Executive Leadership Inventory (GELI), in-depth 360 feedback leadership tools developed by internationally renowned business scholar and psychologist Manfred Ket de Vries that investigate the daily actions and behaviors of effective global executives in multiple leadership areas.
Contact me for a leadership package or customized program here.
Speaking, Training, & Workshops
I love speaking and leading workshops on a myriad of topics, both virtually and in person. I specialize in enabling individuals and teams to tap into the power of their best selves, maximize impact, and become more grounded and fulfilled.
Sample keynotes, presentations and interactive workshops include:
Bringing Broadway to Business
How Play Sets the Stage for SuccessThe 6-Day Leadership Experience
Leading From Within, Leading Other, & Leading in Your OrganizationFiercely Female
Increase Leadership Effectiveness by Accessing Creativity & IntuitionCourageous Conversations
Resolving Team & Relationship ConflictManaging & Motivating Multi-Generational Teams
How to Lead with Confidence & CompassionDress for Success, Inside-Out
Increase Inner Strength and Disengage with Inner CriticFinding your Inner Warrior
Amplify Personal Growth and Professional Impact through GroundingDo What You Love and Love What You Do
Finding a Career with Meaning and Purpose
Listen to the voice of your wildly authentic self!